Rock Piles
A series of paintings dealing with the entropic principles of order and decay.
The rock pile series deals with the concepts of atrophy and decay versus order. Or put another way, the concepts of construction versus deconstruction. A pile is a system which can have completely opposite implications depending on the event which preceded it. If left to natural forces, large, organized elements want to wear down and tear themselves apart into smaller pieces. This is the decay process. However, these small pieces can also be reconstructed back into organized larger systems, structures, or patterns. Everything exits in a universe designed to tear itself apart, to wear down and ultimately come to a stop. This process can be delayed but it can never be outdone. Mankind finds himself in the unique position of recognizing this fact and much of his thoughts at some point, ultimately focus on this fate. The Rock Piles series is one of many interpretations of the process. On one hand, it is pessimistic since it recognizes the decay aspect. On the other, it shows Mankind's constructive intervention in this process as the temporary delay in universal unraveling. I want to show the duality of these forces in which construction regresses into deconstruction and back again into construction. The rock is a symbol of this.